

My Blackjack Blog

Archive for January, 2010

The Origin of Chemin de Fer

Saturday, January 30th, 2010

The card game of Blackjack was introduced to the U.S. in the 1800’s but it wasn’t until the mid twentieth century that a strategy was created to beat the casino in chemin de fer. This material is going to grab a rapid look at the development of that system, Counting Cards.

When casino gambling was legitimized in the state of Nevada in 1934, black jack sky-rocketed into popularity and was commonly played with 1 or 2 decks. Roger Baldwin wrote a dissertation in 1956 which explained how to lower the casino advantage founded on probability and statistics which was very difficult to understand for those who weren’t math experts.

In ‘62, Dr. Ed Thorp used an IBM 704 computer to refine the mathematical strategy in Baldwin’s paper and also developed the first strategies for card counting. Dr. Ed Thorp authored a tome called "Beat the Dealer" which summarized card counting strategies and the practices for reducing the casino edge.

This spawned a huge increase in black jack players at the US betting houses who were attempting to implement Dr. Ed Thorp’s techniques, much to the anxiety of the casinos. The system was difficult to comprehend and complicated to put into practice and therefore expanded the earnings for the betting houses as more and more people took to playing black jack.

However this massive increase in profits was not to continue as the gamblers became more refined and more aware and the system was further refined. In the 80’s a bunch of students from MIT made counting cards a part of the regular vernacular. Since then the casinos have introduced countless methods to thwart players who count cards including but not limited to, more than one deck, shoes, shuffle machines, and gossip has itnow sophisticated computer software to read body language and identify "cheaters". While not against the law being caught counting cards will get you banned from most betting houses in vegas.

Pourquoi les cotes Blackjack si bon?

Friday, January 29th, 2010
[ English ]

Comme un parieur bonnes cotes de Jack Black sont bonnes, surtout en comparaison à d'autres Jeux de la maison de paris. Le jeu de blackjack est tant aimé certains disent même que c'est des jeux les plus répandus, notamment casino. Il est disputé dans presque tous les pays du monde entier dans les casinos terrestres, y compris aussi sur l'Internet. Les vingt et un sites n'ont absolument augmenté en nombre au cours des dernières années, et maintenant il est devenu encore plus favorisés d'y participer à partir de la bénédiction de votre maison que dans un casino d'un authentique.

Comment se fait-chemin de fer est si populaire? La principale raison pour laquelle Jack Black est si favorable embrassé et admiré partout dans le monde, c'est que lorsque parié sur le bon, il a un bord de casino de moins de 1 pour cent, ce qui est le plus petit avantage du casino de n'importe quel jeu de casino. Alors comment se fait-casinos – dans le monde réel ainsi que sur le net – pas gaspiller de l'argent aux joueurs? Eh bien, la raison principale en est probablement que le jeu est pas parier sur les correctement ou suffisamment bien par presque tous les concurrents. C'est vraiment une honte que les joueurs peuvent renoncer à cette énorme avantage du casino par le jeu forfaitaire. Le raisonnement derrière la raison pour laquelle ce jeu casino a une excellente pointe telles que, en contraste aux autres jeux de casino tels que le craps et la roulette est que, en chemin de fer les sélections que vous faites comme les avances sur cartes de jeu, aura un impact sur l'avantage de la maison. Vous voyez

  • à la roulette chaque tirage est un événement distinct
  • en chie chaque lancer de dés est également un événement indépendant

Toutefois, dans Jack Black, au lieu d'être un jeu de casino fondé sur des événements indépendants unique, chaque main est à charge sur les cartes qui ont déjà été distribués afin que, lorsque des grosses cartes restent dans le pont favorisera le parieur tandis que les cartes de petits favorisera la casino. C'est la raison pour laquelle le compte de carte est si important pour gagner en chemin de fer. Vous avez en gros de se rappeler quelles sont les cartes restent dans le pont.

Dans une mesure considérable, vingt et un conclusions sont centrées sur vos actions en tant que joueur et pas seulement sur la chance. Yourchances à gagner dans ce jeu sont beaucoup mieux que la chance des jeux de casino à charge. Donc le secret pour gagner au chemin de fer est de garder la trace des cartes. Dès que vous découvrez ce point – vous serez en mesure d'entamer une odyssée agréable et amusant Jack Black.

Perché sono le probabilità Blackjack così buono?

Friday, January 29th, 2010
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Come uno scommettitore buone probabilità di Jack Black sono buone, soprattutto in confronto ad altri giochi di casa di scommesse. Il gioco del blackjack è il tanto amato alcuni dicono addirittura che è il gioco del casino più in particolare prevalente. E 'in gareggiato in quasi tutti i paesi di tutto il mondo in terra basata casinò includendo anche su Internet. Ventuno siti web non hanno assolutamente aumentate in numero negli anni scorsi, e ora è diventato ancora più favoriti a partecipare dalla benedizione della vostra casa che a un casinò un autentico.

Come mai chemin de fer è così popolare? La ragione principale per cui Jack Black è così favorevolmente accolto e ammirato in tutto il mondo è che quando giocava in modo corretto, ha un casinò bordo inferiore all'1 per cento, che è il vantaggio più piccolo casinò di tutto il gioco del casinò. Allora come mai casinò – nel mondo reale, così come sulla rete – non sprecare soldi per i giocatori? Beh, il motivo principale è probabilmente che il gioco non è scommettere su correttamente o abbastanza bene da quasi tutti i concorrenti. E 'davvero un peccato che i giocatori possono rinunciare a tale enorme vantaggio per il casinò di gioco d'azzardo forfettaria. Il ragionamento che sta dietro perché questo gioco di casino è tale bordo eccellente è che, in contrasto con altri giochi da casinò, come craps e la roulette è che in chemin de fer le selezioni si fanno come gli anticipi gioco di carte, avrà un impatto il vantaggio della casa. Si vede

  • in ogni giro di roulette è un evento separato
  • craps in ogni lancio dei dadi è anche un evento indipendente

Tuttavia, in Jack Black, invece di essere un gioco da casinò fondata su singoli eventi indipendenti, ogni mano dipende dalle carte che sono già stati consegnati in modo che quando le carte sono grandi rimanenti nel mazzo favorirà il giocatore, mentre le carte di piccole dimensioni favoriscono la casino. Questo è il motivo per cui il conteggio delle carte è così importante per la vittoria in chemin de fer. Che, fondamentalmente, è necessario ricordare quali carte rimangono nel mazzo.

In misura enorme, ventuno conclusioni sono centrate sulle vostre azioni, come un giocatore d'azzardo e non solo sulla fortuna. Yourchances per vincere in questo gioco sono molto meglio di quanto la fortuna giochi da casinò dipendente. Così il segreto per vincere a chemin de fer è quello di tenere traccia delle carte. Non appena si impara questo – si sarà in grado di iniziare una odissea piacevole e divertente Jack Black.

Warum sind die Quoten Blackjack so gut?

Friday, January 29th, 2010
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Als guter Wettkunden Black Jack Chancen stehen gut, vor allem im Vergleich zu anderen Wett-Haus-Spiele. Das Spiel von Blackjack ist, so sehr geliebt hat einige sogar sagen, dass es vor allem die vorherrschende Casino-Spiel. Es ist in in fast allen Ländern auf der ganzen Welt, in der Land-based Kasinos konkurrierten darunter auch über das Internet. Die einundzwanzig Websites haben absolut in Zahlen in den letzten Jahren zugenommen, und jetzt ist es sogar noch begünstigt, um es in den Segen deines Hauses als in einem authentischen Casino teilzunehmen.

Wie kommt es, chemin de fer ist so beliebt? Der primäre Grund dafür, dass Black Jack ist so positiv angenommen und auf der ganzen Welt bewundert wird, wenn auf richtig gespielt, hat es ein Kasino Rand von weniger als 1 Prozent, was das kleinste Kasino Vorteil einem Spiel ist. Wie kommen Kasinos – in der realen Welt als auch auf dem Netz – nicht verschwenden Geld für die Spieler? Nun, der Hauptgrund dafür ist wahrscheinlich, dass das Spiel nicht auf richtig oder gut genug, um fast alle Konkurrenten setzen. Es ist wirklich eine Schande, dass die Spieler eines solchen großen Vorteil geben kann, die durch einmalige Casino Glücksspiel. Die Gründe, warum dieses Casino Spiel hat so gute Kante ist, dass zu anderen Casino-Spiele wie Craps und Roulette ist, dass im Gegensatz chemin de fer die Auswahl treffen Sie als Kartenspiel Fortschritte, wird das Haus den Vorteil auswirken. Sie sehen

  • Roulette in jeder Runde wird eine separate Veranstaltung
  • scheißt in jedem der Würfel zu werfen ist auch eine eigenständige Veranstaltung

Jedoch in Black Jack, statt ein Casino-Spiel auf unabhängige einzelne Ereignisse gegründet wurde, ist jeder Hand auf den Karten, die vorher übergeben worden sind, so dass bei großen Karten bleiben, das Deck wird zugunsten der Wetter während die kleinen Karten für die abhängig Casino. Dies ist der Grund, warum Karte das Zählen ist so wichtig für den Gewinn in chemin de fer. Sie haben grundsätzlich zu erinnern, welche Karten noch im Deck.

Um einen enormen Ausmaß einundzwanzig Schlussfolgerungen basieren auf deine Handlungen als Spieler und nicht nur auf Glück zentriert. Yourchances in diesem Spiel zu gewinnen sind viel besser als das Glück abhängig Casino-Spiele. Also das Geheimnis zu gewinnen bei chemin de fer ist zu verfolgen, die Karten zu halten. Sobald Sie das lernen – Sie werden in der Lage sein, um einen angenehmen und Spaß Black Jack Odyssee beginnt.

¿Por qué son las probabilidades de Blackjack son tan buenas?

Friday, January 29th, 2010
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Como buen apostador de probabilidades de Jack Black son buenas, sobre todo en comparación con otros juegos de la casa de apuestas. El juego de blackjack es de tal manera amó algunos incluso dicen que es el juego de casino más prevalente en particular. Se compitió en en casi todos los países de todo el mundo en la tierra de los casinos también incluidos en el Internet. Los veintiún sitios web han aumentado en número absoluto en los últimos años, y ahora se ha vuelto aún más favorecidos para participar en ella de la bendición de su casa que a un casino auténtico.

¿Cómo es que chemin de fer es tan popular? La razón principal de que Jack Black es tan favorablemente acogido y admirado en todo el mundo es que cuando jugaba sobre la manera adecuada, tiene un borde del casino de menos del 1 por ciento, que es la ventaja más pequeña de cualquier juego de casino en casino. Entonces, ¿cómo casinos – en el mundo real, así como en la red – no dilapidar el dinero a los jugadores? Bueno, la razón principal es, probablemente, que el juego no es apostar correctamente o lo suficientemente bien como en casi todos los competidores. Es realmente una vergüenza que los jugadores pueden abandonar gran ventaja como al casino de juego global. El razonamiento detrás de por qué este juego de casino tiene borde tan excelente es que, en contraste con otros juegos de casino como dados y ruleta es que en chemin de fer las selecciones que hacer como los avances tarjeta de juego, será el impacto de la ventaja de la casa. Ves

  • en la ruleta cada giro es un evento separado
  • dados en cada tirada de dados es también un evento independiente

Sin embargo, en Jack Black, en lugar de ser un juego de casino basado en acontecimientos únicos independientes, cada parte depende de las cartas que han sido previamente entregados de manera que cuando las tarjetas de grandes están en la baraja favorecerá el apostante mientras que las tarjetas pequeñas que favorecerá la casino. Esta es la razón por la cuenta de la tarjeta es tan importante para ganar en chemin de fer. Es, básicamente, tiene que recordar qué cartas permanecen en la cubierta.

En un grado enorme, veintiún conclusiones se centran en sus acciones como un jugador y no sólo de la suerte. Yourchances para ganar en este juego son mucho mejores que la suerte de los juegos de casino a cargo. Así que el secreto para ganar en chemin de fer es seguir el rastro de las tarjetas. Tan pronto como eso se aprende – usted será capaz de comenzar una agradable y divertida odisea de Jack Black.

What’s to Come of Blackjack Counting Cards

Thursday, January 28th, 2010
[ English ]

The question being asked today is what is the outlook of the twenty-one card counters. are the times of card counting over? Many believe so.

Automated shuffle machines are being utilized in todays tables which makes shuffle tracking or counting cards futile. The brick and mortar betting houses are going to place shuffling machines at the tables.

It is believed that in locations like Las Vegas, video cameras are being utilized to monitor the abilities of the players and smart black jack tables that monitors players hands and strategies using magnetized chips.

The gambling control board in Nevada, an agency that protects honest gaming has made a decision that betting houses may not alter the games in a way that would change the frequency of the pay outs. Since then, many Nevada casinos instruct their dealers to count cards and shuffle as they please, also a wide variety of betting houses keeps information of players who, this information consists of names and photos to keep them away from the game.

So what will be the future of this chemin de fer "battle"? is it just starting or will it quickly reach an end? Regardless of all their most recent computers, political and monetary influences, I have reason to believe there is a hope for a joyful result. With in excess of 25 states inside the US offering blackjack games, there are more money making opportunities for card counters than back in the good old days.

Why are the Blackjack Odds so Good?

Monday, January 18th, 2010
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

As a good bettor of black jack odds are good, especially in comparison to other betting house games. The the game of blackjack is so loved some even say that it’s the most notably prevalent casino game. It is competed in in just about every country all around the world in land based casinos also including on the internet. The twenty-one websites have absolutely increased in numbers in the past few years, and now it has become even more favored to participate in it from the blessing of your house than at a an authentic casino.

How come chemin de fer is so popular? The primary reason that black jack is so favorably embraced and admired all around the globe is that when gambled on properly, it has a casino edge of less than 1 percent, which is the smallest casino advantage of any casino game. So how come casinos – in the real world as well as on the net – not squandering money to the players? Well, the main reason is probably that the game is not bet on correctly or well enough by almost all of the competitors. It’s really a shame that players can give up such huge advantage to the casino by lump gambling. The reasoning behind why this casino game has such excellent edge is that, contrasted to other casino games such as craps and roulette is that in chemin de fer the selections you make as the card game advances, will impact the house advantage. You see

  • in roulette each spin is a separate event
  • in craps each toss of the dice is also an independent event

However in black jack, instead of being a casino game founded on independent single events, each hand is dependent on the cards that have previously been handed out so that when big cards are remaining in the deck will favor the bettor while small cards will favour the casino. This is the reason why card counting is so important for winning in chemin de fer. You basically have to remember what cards remain in the deck.

To a huge extent, twenty-one conclusions are centered on your actions as a gambler and not just on luck. Yourchances to win in this game are much better than the luck dependent casino games. So the secret to winning at chemin de fer is to keep track of the cards. As soon as you learn this – you will be able to begin a pleasant and fun black jack odyssey.


Friday, January 15th, 2010
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Chemin de Fer also called twenty one is one of the most liked games bet on on betting house tables. The game can use 1, 2, four, 6, and 8 decks of cards. A dealer holds and deals the cards in single and double deck games, more than two deck games are typically dealt out of a tray like box, referred to as a "shoe."

The card game is centered on basic mathematical calculations. If the value of the competitor’s cards is greater than the dealer’s cards without going over 21 the player wins. On the other hand if a player’s hand exceeds twenty one that is referred to as a "bust" and he immediately lose.

In hand-held games, the cards are kept face down. The competitors can pick up the cards, while in the ’shoe games’, players are not allowed to hold the cards that are face up on the table.

Black jack is a casino game based on dependent actions, wherein bigger cards remaining in the deck favor the gamer and the lower denominations give the advantage to the croupier. The thrill of the game is in the shifting of advantages back and forth from players to dealers.

Since the gambler has the advantage to act 1st, the player has the advantage to hold a hand that has the possibility of going over twenty one. Although if the player and the dealer both bust, the player still loses. Thus players are advised to learn to play their cards properly and guarantee the best outcome, which is founded on the algorithmic plan.

The card game of chemin de fer is extremely simple to understand and even consists of the use of a basic strategy guide at the table for reference, and so with a bit of effort the bettors can take precise decisions.